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Giancarlo Alfano, Laurent Baggioni
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°29/2022-2
Disasters (14th-17th century)
Disasters and catastrophes are considered here in the forms of writing they elicit within the human world they disrupt. The different case studies examined illustrate how far the variety and fluidity of the rhetorical-literary forms used in 14th-17th century Italy are a powerful factor in the evolution of language, literature and hermeneutic models

Victoria Aranda Arribas, Emilio Blanco
Atalaya, n°21/2021
Le roman en vers dans l'Espagne moderne
Verse novel in Spain in the Modern Age
The novel in verse has had little success in modern times in the Hispanic area. Perhaps for this reason, critics have not given much attention to this particular narrative genre. This monographic issue seeks to fill this gap by focusing with interest on two of the great representatives of this literary form in Spain.